Že mi to trvalo? Přes 1 TB dat a desítky hodin synchronizace audia s videem protože se to tentokrát docela podělalo. Czequestrie 2019 se konala 23-25. srpna 2019 v Praze.
Quick links
- Friday
- LARP (added 10.4.2020)
- Saturday
- Sunday
Traditionally we’ve got for you an orientation game / RPG / LARP / … on Friday before the con. What is it going to look like? What can you look forward to? What will you see and experience? Watch on, this is almost a Year after Czequestria I’ve found myself a time to edit it.
Opening ceremony
So it begins – for the fourth time! Weekend full of ponies, bronies, fun and magic of friendship! Join us and let’s welcome our esteemed guests together! There may or may not be a surprise, a speech and some people standing on the stage. 🙂
Time: 24.05.2019 ~11:00
Front camera handling: Dex & Spirittis
Back camera handling: Fang
Edit: Ladislav „Fang“ Hüttl
Time index
0:15 → Openning Ceremonies starts
8:36 → Introduction video
10:57 → Jamis on stage!
11:57 → Organization team introduction
13:30 → General information
16:45 → Guests introductions
17:47 → Elley Ray
19:35 → Petra Hobzová
20:50 → Perry Dotto
23:00 → Exiled Game Team
24:02 → The Overmare Studios
25:03 → ILLUMNATION & other absent musicians 🙂
Ashes of Equestria
Well known to all “Fallout: Equestria” fans and also to regular Czequestria attendees, The Overmare Studios returns to us! Team members AdamJ, Ansis, Hamish, and Robert come with the latest news about the development of the computer game Ashes of Equestria.
Featuring: The Overmare studios
Web: https://theovermare.com/
Time: 24.05.2019 ~12:00
Front camera handling: Dex & Spirittis
Back camera handling: Fang
Edit: Ladislav „Fang“ Hüttl
Time index
0:30 → Introduction
1:00 → What team were doing last 2 years
1:35 → Two years of bugfixes
3:25 → Impmentation of Jenkins
4:30 → Q&A Team
6:00 → Bucktracking system
8:03 → Code reviews
8:50 → Automated testing
11:04 → New stuff in Unity 2019
12:57 → Doing a better architecture
14:24 → Doing a better management
17:33 → 3D is Hard
21:01 → Detailed weapon model
21:50 → 3D model texturing
23:07 → Model Viewer
24:21 → Model bones
27:58 → Broken model bones
29:35 → Broken armor models
31:30 → Fixing problems
32:27 → Music
33:38 → The Wasteland Wailers: BronyCon 2016
34:44 → The Wasteland Wailers: BronyFair 2016
34:48 → The Wasteland Wailers: Everfree Encore 2018
35:51 → The Wasteland Wailers: Prague, before Galacon 2019
36:06 → The Wasteland Wailers: List of music from 2014–2019
37:47 → The Wasteland Wailers: Find us on …
37:55 → The Wasteland Wailers: Ashes of Equestria OST
38:11 → The Wasteland Wailers: Sequence Music Engine
39:00 → The Wasteland Wailers: Music diagram
40:10 → The Wasteland Wailers: Concept music
41:41 → The Wasteland Wailers: Make Your Ship WIP
43:00 → The Wasteland Wailers: Friendship from Fire
45:44 → The Wasteland Wailers: Brittany Church w/ Velvet Remedy
45:51 → The Wasteland Wailers: … for the carrot flavor of Sparkle Cola
46:38 → The Wasteland Wailers: Gratitude from community
47:39 → LoL
47:50 → What’s New in the Team
49:44 → What’s New in the Game
51:21 → How to Get Involved
54:30 → Q&A
54:57 → Q&A: Do you tried to compose music from book Fallout: Equestria snipplets?
56:48 → Q&A: Are you guys planning to be Epic game store exclusive? 🙂
57:34 → Q&A: Do you think 2D games are significantly easier to do than 3D ones?
1:00:36 → Q&A: Why did you choosen Unity?
1:01:44 → Q&A: Visual Scripting
CZ/SK VA panel
We all know the original voices behind our beloved heroes from the show, but there is much more to that! There are many language versions of My Little Pony, Czech and Slovak included. What’s the difference between voicing an animated character and voiceover and how does it impact the acting process? Come and ask Petra Hobzová, Czech voice of Sunset Shimmer!
Featuring: Petra Hobzová
Time: 24.05.2019 ~13:30
Front camera handling: Dex & Spirittis
Back camera handling: Fang
Edit: Ladislav „Fang“ Hüttl
Time index
0:15 → Suprised
1:25 → What do you think about Sunset Shimmer?
6:47 → Could you tell us more about getting a role?
13:40 → Does it happen that trailers have different voices?
15:10 → Is it still possible earn living in Czech Republic only from voice acting?
20:16 → Apart from MLP:FIM which role you remember most?
24:18 → Do you have any ritual right before voice acting?
25:35 → Do you feel that your job (as VA) is appreciated enough?
30:32 → Do you enjoy screaming or rather peffer calm conversation?
33:45 → Q&A
34:24 → Q&A: Do you have any option to alter the text or do you have to strictly follow the script?
38:44 → Q&A: How so that in some instances original female voice gets male voice and vice versa?
41:22 → Q&A: Are there any quality differences between cartoons and movies?
45:29 → Q&A: Did you do reaseach upfront before about Czequestria?
48:18 → Q&A: Why there are so many voice overs on same , for eg differnt in TV, Cinema and DVD/BR?
48:18 → Closing
LARP results
If you attended LARP event on Friday, you sure want to know the results, how many people got lost, and other fun stuff. Presented by the one and only Tom0147, the head of Czequestria LARP events.
Featuring: Tomáš „Tom0147“ Přeučil
Time: 24.05.2019 ~14:45
Front camera handling: Dex & Spirittis
Back camera handling: Fang
Edit: Ladislav „Fang“ Hüttl
Time index
0:24 → What the hay!
3:20 → 3rd place
4:04 → 2nd place
5:00 → 1st place
5:58 → Referrences
6:25 → Referrences: 1st place
7:13 → Referrences: 2nd place
Cosplay show
Craftsmanship, acting, entertainment. Just some of the many qualities of cosplayers that bring colours, joy, and our favourite characters to life at conventions! Let’s give them a big cheer for braving the stage as well as making the costumes for all of us to see and enjoy! Come & get inspired for a cosplay of your own!
Featuring: Frolda & cosplayers
Time: 24.05.2019 ~15:30
Front camera handling: Dex & Spirittis
Back camera handling: Fang
Edit: Ladislav „Fang“ Hüttl
Time index
0:15 → Introduction
1:07 → Tempest Shadow
2:00 → Rainbow Dash from EQG
3:05 → Queen Chrysalis
3:50 → Yona
5:20 → Wasteland pony
6:44 → Soarin
7:48 → King Aspen
8:34 → Rarity
11:05 → Dr. High Atomsphere
17:50 → Twilight Sparkle
20:00 → Starswirl the Bearded
21:00 → Future Twilight
22:50 → Cloudsdale weateher factory worker
23:34 → Sunset Shimmer
26:00 → Pinkie Pie
26:57 → Cosplayers on the stage
29:30 → Cosplay show contestants recap
33:35 → Closing
Elley Ray panel
Voice of Mistmane, one of the Pillars of Ancient Equestria and the Element of Beauty, but her talent reaches much wider and further! She has voiced hundreds of animated series, animated movies, commercial campaigns and games. Join us at this Q&A panel to discover more! Questions from the audience welcome!
Featuring: Elley Ray, Frolda & Melgarh
Time: 24.05.2019 ~17:30
Front camera handling: Dex & Spirittis
Back camera handling: Fang
Edit: Ladislav „Fang“ Hüttl
Time index
0:15 → Introduction
4:13 → Have you tried Kofola?
4:53 → Czech quisine & drinks
7:22 → Mermaid costumes
8:30 → Balloons
10:00 → Getting the balloons in Prague
11:43 → How did you get into VA carreer?
18:30 → Gardening
19:30 → One question you would ask to your character Mistmane and whay would she say to us?
22:19 → Are you part of other fandoms?
24:26 → Do you have favorite character and villain?
25:55 → Do you have any special ritual before voice acting?
26:43 → Singing prayer
27:45 → What would your character wear as costume during Nightmare Night?
31:05 → What is most cute and cruel voice you can do?
31:50 → Q&A
32:25 → Huggg
33:10 → Q&A: Do you come to Galacon 2020?
33:55 → Q&A: If you can what character of your choosing you want to voice?
36:00 → Q&A: Huggg time!
38:04 → Q&A: Indian prayer
41:19 → Q&A: Any favorite song from the show?
43:50 → Q&A: Appearance in Neverending story
47:40 → Q&A: How do you manage on business side of things?
53:00 → Q&A: Favorite cake?
54:55 → Q&A: Why do you avoiding sugar?
58:20 → Q&A: Did you have good care of Tabitha’s cats?
1:01:15 → Q&A: Whats the differrence between EU and US conventions?
1:04:45 → Q&A: Hugggz??
1:06:05 → Q&A: What is your favorite actity besides voice acting?
1:07:25 → Q&A: Have you visited sightseeing places in the city?
1:10:25 → Q&A: Hugggz 🙂
1:11:30 → Closing
MLP:FiM Quizz
Do you want to compare your knowledge with others or are just curious what tricky questions from our moderators Kler and Daseh the competitors will have to answer? Everypony in the audience can join this time, even anonymously! Be sure to bring your smartphone though – for the quiz itself we will use the Kahoot! web platform.
Featuring: Kler and Daseh
Time: 25.05.2019 ~11:30
Front camera handling: Dex & Spirittis
Back camera handling: Fang
Edit: Ladislav „Fang“ Hüttl
Time index
0:15 → Opening
0:49 → Question 1: How many ponies bellongs to the „mane“ group? (test)
1:36 → Question 2: Applejack represents element of …
2:40 → Question 3: Who was Rarity’s first love?
3:30 → Question 4: Rarity wears false eye lashes
4:10 → Question 5: Where Fluttershy comes from?
5:00 → Question 6: Cloudsdale changes it’s position. (whoops :/ )
6:05 → Question 7: What is traditional Heart’s Warming meal at Rock farm?
6:55 → Question 8: Ponies eat flowers.
7:42 → Question 9: What is square root of number 546?
8:45 → Question 10: Which Daring Do book was the first one?
9:31 → Question 11: Pinkie Pie explored Crystal mountains.
10:23 → Question 12: Who shattered Crystal heart?
10:55 → Question 13: What was the name of land where Chrysalis reigned?
11:45 → Scoreboard
12:23 → Question 14: What’s name of Thorax’s brother?
13:45 → Question 15: Garble is Smolder’s brother.
14:30 → Question 16: What is the name of Fluttershy’s brother?
15:28 → Question 17: Which parents were shown first?
16:35 → Question 18: Applejack is one third a Pear.
17:32 → Question 19: What is name of Applejack’s auntie which Pinkie Pie visited?
18:38 → Question 20: How many instruments can Pinkie Pie play at once?
19:21 → Question 21: What is the name of Applejack’s alter ego?
20:13 → Question 22: In Heart’s Warming Eve play Applejack was playing…
22:14 → Question 23: Who was the first infected by joke cookies from Rainbow Dash?
23:20 → Question 24: How much wingpower Rainbow Dash has?
24:15 → Question 25: How much wingpower Fluttershy has?
25:06 → Question 26: Fluttershy won teacher of the month award 8 times.
26:04 → Question 27: What is Mrs. Cherilee’s cutie mark?
27:13 → Question 28: Who is not a member of School of Friendship cheerleading team?
27:53 → Question 29: Celestia’s chool for gifted unicorns is closed.
28:55 → Question 30: Celestia made pancakes for Luna. In shape of which animal?
29:45 → Question 31: Princess Celestia loves extreme sports.
30:30 → Question 32: What flowers does Princess Luna hangs in castle hallways?
31:16 → Question 33: What was the name of Luna’s nightmare?
32:08 → Question 34: Which villain we defeated with Crystal Chest?
33:01 → Question 35: What Discord used to laugh at Pinkie Pie?
33:56 → Question 36: Starswirl’s spell shuffled cutie marks. Whose cutie mark got Rainbow Dash?
35:02 → Question 37: From what time was future Twilight?
36:06 → Question 38: Pinkie Pie or Rainbow Dash?
37:09 → Final scoreboard
40:50 → Closing
MLP Cosplay panel
Cosplay is a part of all fandom conventions since the very beginning. Have you ever wanted or adored a MLP themed costume? Come to this panel, where we will talk about various types of pony cosplays and costumes as well as how to create them! Performed by skilled cosplayer Barbora “Wrii” Šalandová.
Featuring: Barbora “Wrii” Šalandová.
Time: 25.05.2019 ~13:00
Front camera handling: Dex & Spirittis
Back camera handling: Fang
Edit: Ladislav „Fang“ Hüttl
Time index
0:15 → Introduction
1:51 → About me
2:46 → What is cosplay?
3:56 → Why should I do such thing?
6:38 → „Cosplay has no rules“
7:44 → Choosing a character
10:24 → Closet costume
11:51 → Kimono / Kigurumi
12:52 → Fursuits
13:28 → „Real“ cosplay
14:31 → Nonpony characters
14:54 → Planing
18:13 → Learning
22:08 → Where to buy wigs?
24:36 → Wig maintenance
29:24 → Where to buy lenses
30:12 → Lens maintenance
32:23 → Photoshoot? What is that?
32:48 → Mama servis
33:34 → Con photographers
34:23 → Con photobooth
35:09 → „For fun“ photographers
36:25 → Paid photoshoot
36:55 → Tips and tricks
39:25 → My own photos
40:39 → Thank you for your attention!
41:32 → Questions
41:58 → Question: Is it frown upon if you order some parts of your cosplay?
44:17 → Closing
Starved for Light
Exiled Game Team is a group of passionates gathered together to bring to life project called Starved for Light – a platforming game inspired by such creations as My Little Pony, Limbo and Ori and the Blind Forest. The team is originally based in Poland but grew up uniting artists, programmers, musicians and other cool people from around the world. Visit their panel and booth to learn more about the game, talk with the creators and try the latest game build.
Featuring: Exiled Game Team
Web: https://starvedforlight.com/
Time: 25.05.2019 ~14:30
Front camera handling: Dex & Spirittis
Back camera handling: Fang
Edit: Ladislav „Fang“ Hüttl
Time index
0:15 → Introduction
0:16 → Technical derpiculties
1:53 → Introduction of Exiled Game Team
3:00 → Starved for light
3:46 → Short introduction of Starved for light game
5:26 → Iris
6:06 → Lilyanna
7:09 → Let’s talk about art
9:13 → Boss concept: Fiend (brainstorming)
9:38 → Boss concept: Fiend (brainstorming II)
9:50 → Boss concept: Fiend
10:10 → Level concept
10:48 → Lighning in the game
11:14 → Physics
11:40 → User interface design
13:08 → Demo & realease roadmap
14:32 → Funding
15:42 → Live demostration
20:19 → Character animation tree
22:51 → Q&A
23:07 → Q&A: Why did you use Unity engine?
24:24 → Q&A: Reflections?
27:00 → Q&A: Tools to create own content via steam workshop?
28:04 → Q&A: Ultrawide screen support
29:44 → Q&A: How many year are you expecting working on it?
31:10 → Q&A: Do you plan to have bosses that resembles the giant spider?
32:09 → Q&A: ??
33:53 → Q&A: Are you planning the skins of characters customizable?
34:55 → Q&A: Special con/event codes for in game goodies.
35:42 → Q&A: Are you planning making expansions?
36:45 → Q&A: How the two main character interact?
38:12 → Q&A: What were your inspirations?
39:26 → Q&A: Why did you choose alicorns as main characters?
42:03 → Q&A: Are there any games that influenced your development?
43:30 → Q&A (stream): Are there any build available to download today?
45:50 → Q&A: How the audio going to sound like?
48:55 → Q&A: How do you have secured it copright-wise?
53:05 → More music
53:23 → Tip: Copyright
55:05 → Q&A: Walking on clouds and swimmin?
57:38 → Q&A: Are you planning to implement dynamic music engine?
59:00 → Q&A: Are you planning to have cutscenes?
1:00:00 → Q&A: Do you have any realtime physics animations?
1:01:05 → Q&A: Are you planning to do artwork book of character/level design etc… ?
1:02:05 → Closing
Charity auction and Closing ceremony
Get your wallets shaking because it’s Perry and her charity auction! It’s going to be a ride as this is the last feature panel, do make sure to attend and enjoy it to the very last bit! Generosity welcome!
Featuring: Perry Dotto!
The very last piece of Czequestria 2019. But before we return to our daily lives, there are a few awards to announce and last things to do before we say to each other “See you next time!”.
Featuring: Everyone!
Time: 25.05.2019 ~16:00 (16:50)
Front camera handling: Dex & Spirittis
Back camera handling: Fang
Edit: Ladislav „Fang“ Hüttl
Time index
0:15 → Introduction
2:10 → Representative of Chewal non profit organization
5:02 → Chewall video spot (no sound due to copyrighted music)
9:35 → Auction rules
13:52 → START!
13:52 → Item #2: Hand painted vase
17:05 → Item #8: Mugs
19:05 → Item #33: Drawing
21:09 → Item #20: Car plates
25:45 → Item #41: MLP collector cards
28:30 → Item #44 & 45 & 47: Canadian chocolate, buttons, drawing + hug
36:08 → Item #42 & 43: 2 books from Elley Ray
43:36 → Item #15: Princess Celestia artwork
45:38 → Item #13: Velvet Remedy artwork
47:42 → Item #17: Miss Libussa ancient world plushie
52:26 → Item #38: Scarf
54:07 → Item #37: EqG ears and tail by CZ/SK Bronies
57:45 → Item #35: BronyCon posters, mousepad, t-shirt and other goodies
59:57 → Item #34: Dragon meat
1:03:07 → Item #11: Lunapool artwork
1:05:33 → Item #3: Rainbow Dash plushie
1:07:21 → Item #29: Czequestria 2017 posters
1:08:42 → Item #32: Jamis is love t-shirt
1:13:30 → Item #18: Fluttershy pillow
1:14:47 → Item #7: Twilight artwork
1:16:45 → Item #24: Somnambula scarf
1:20:06 → Item #19: Collection of convention books
1:22:31 → Item #40: First issue of IDW MLP:FIM comics
1:24:22 → Item #26: Miss Libussa print used at BronyCon 2019
1:26:56 → Item #23: Signed vinyl figure of Rainbow Dash & secret envelope
1:32:09 → Item #30: Hand painted Luna painting
1:35:00 → Item #28: Tirek poster
1:36:43 → Item #9: First Miss Libussa 3D printed figure from Czequestria 2014
1:40:54 → Item #21: Original Miss Libussa painting artwork used in stream background
1:42:52 → Item #39 & #12: Poster Midwestbronyfest and Bronycon 2012 signed by all Bronycon con chairs
1:44:18 → Item #4 and #6: Skelatal pony artwork and Space Ponyos comics
1:45:25 → Item #31: MLP Movie 2017 figurine set
1:47:02 → Item #10: Hand sculpted frorange
1:48:39 → Item #36: Vinyl Scratch decorative coin
1:50:04 → Item #֎: Czequestria banners
2:00:00 → Item #֎: THE HAT!
2:20:56 → Item #֎: Charity auction total ammount IS …. !
2:22:12 → Closing ceremonies
2:23:17 → Closing ceremonies video by DSC-GRAPHICS
2:27:51 → Closing ceremonies: Volunteers, organizers, guests …
2:34:10 → Closing ceremonies: Cosplay results
2:36:37 → Closing ceremonies: Next Czequestria will be….
2:37:20 → Closing ceremonies: PlushieCon results
2:39:00 → Closing ceremonies: THANK YOU!
2:41:05 → Closing ceremonies: 😀
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