Czequestria 2024

Záznamy livestreamu z Czequestrie 2024

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Saturday (24.8.2024)

Sunday (25.8.2024)

Saturday (24.8.2024)

Opening Ceremony

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So it begins – Czequestria: 10 years anniversary edition! A weekend filled full of ponies, bronies, fun, and the Magic of Friendship! We’ll talk about our reunion, last-minute news, and everything that did not fit in this guide. Join us and let’s welcome our esteemed guest together!

Time: 11:00 – 11:30
Editing: Ladislav „Fang“ Hüttl

Time Index

0:10 Delays!
0:24 Opening ceremony starts
0:37 Opening animation
5:13 Jamis! Jamis! Jamis!
5:28 Derp
5:59 10th anniversary
6:16 First Czequestria in 2014
6:30 „THE“ boring stuff
7:01 Cosplay show information
7:18 Charity auction information
7:39 Workshops
8:08 Programme outside
8:45 Food & drinks
9:35 Jamis! Jamis! Jamis! #2 (Oh come on guys xD)
10:24 Facepalm
11:52 Welcome Bahia Watson, voice of Misty Brightdawn!
13:14 Welcome Imalou, G5 artist and character designer!
14:37 Jamis 45!
15:03 Welcome Krystýna Skužná, czech VA of Zipp Storm
15:30 Fandom music? Yes!
16:00 Welcome musicians, Blackened Blue, Velvet R. Wings, Mane In Green, Nicolas Dominique!
17:45 Welcome Perry Dotto!
18:40 Charity auction!
20:13 Czequestria organizer team
22:33 pipa943 ponytown info
23:00 Petals ticket holders annoucement
23:30 One last thing
25:55 Enjoy Czequestria

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Voice Actor panel

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The story of Misty Brightdawn in MLP G5 is one that you take to heart: despite all circumstances, you learn from your mistakes, step over your shadow and decide to stand with those who stand with you. Bahia Watson brought Misty’s character to perfection and inspired many in the belief that change to a better future self is always possible. And what does she think about it? Is her story simliar to Misty’s? Com to hear and ask her about it!

Time: 24.8.2024 12:00 – 13:00
Editing: Ladislav „Fang“ Hüttl

Time Index

0:10 Start
0:34 Misty!
0:59 Introduction
1:20 The Handmaid’s Tale
2:16 The Expanse and Star Trek: Discovery
2:56 Writing and singing
3:26 Less known voice overs
4:47 Best life advice?
6:28 Dream voice job?
7:09 What make you star doing voice acting?
8:46 Which MLP character you want to give voice to?
9:54 Voice of Opaline Arcana
10:31 What has been a favorite part of working on Misty?
12:30 How did you react when you found out you got role of Misty?
13:28 Have you feel connected to character?
14:45 Is there anything you want to ask Misty?
15:50 Do you have favorite line?
16:25 Do you have favorite character in MLP?
16:57 What would you like to happen to Misty going forward?
18:30 Have you experienced any other conventions?
18:45 Difference between European and US conventions?
21:10 Do you have any question to MLP fandom?
23:25 Questions from the audience block
24:18 You have been to brony convention, what’s your fun/special moment?
25:55 How did you get into voice acting and is it possible to do without an agent?
27:29 How much did you watch of MLP G4 and if you can make an impression of mane 6?
29:17 How much did you interact of „the old fandom“ and G4 cast in general?
31:58 What age are you going to when voicing Misty?
34:16 Is there an episode you like to voice act/see in the show if Misty were villan?
36:20 Which of Misty’s mane style you like?
37:29 Has there been a specific moment or line that you stuck in when voice acting?
40:20 How do you keep your voice well conditioned for long VA sessions?
44:05 Have you seen something interresting in Prague?
46:32 Would you like to voice any other species apart from ponies?
48:07 Do you have any good place to go in Winnipeg?
50:39 Misty evil laugh request
51:30 Last question

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The Basics of Voice Acting

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Wondering how voice acting works? Maybe you want some recommendations on equipment or just to see how it works? Flitterkriz is having a voice acting panel for the who have never tried their hoof on it. So grab a friend and lets make some noise!

Time: 13:30 – 14:30
Editing: Ladislav „Fang“ Hüttl

Time Index

0:10 Start
1:25 Let’s get the boring stuffies out of the way! (applications for recording)
2:43 Recording Space
4:14 Microphones!
6:20 Headsets
9:07 Recommended people!
11:12 You and your voice
12:44 Things to avoid
15:08 Recommended books
18:13 That’s about the basics, questions?
20:27 Question: What kind of projects is favorite to voice act?
22:01 Question: What percentage of your voice acting ends up as bloopers?
24:35 Question: What is your pocess for getting into character?
26:50 Question: How do you usually apply for job?
31:50 Question: Have you copied someone else’s voice?
33:26 Question: Voicing Sanni in the Galacon 2024 opening ceremony video.
35:29 Question: Will we ever hear the bloopers from Galacon 2024 opening ceremony video?
35:48 Keep your files organized!
36:42 Question: Do you backup your project files?
38:34 Question: Hiring voice actors?
42:44 Question: How do you negotiate commissioning?
44:30 Question: Feedback from voice directors?
47:15 Question: Did you ever participated in gig where you did voice acting and singing?
48:00 Question: How many impressions of same line you make?
50:04 Panel end

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Cosplay Show

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Craftmanship and acting – the two of the many qualities of cosplayers that bring colors, joy, and our favorite characters to life at conventions. Let’s give the a big cheer for making the constumes for all of us to see and enjoy! Come & get inspired for a cosplay of your own!

Time: 15:00 – 16:00
Editing: Ladislav „Fang“ Hüttl

Time Index

0:10 Start
0:24 Introduction
2:05 Applemon as Applejack
3:14 Quietkeeper as Blackjack
4:20 Wrench as Cloudsdale weather factory worker
5:06 Craïnn as Jedi knight
5:53 Quint t. W. as Cinder glow
6:36 Rockystyle – Ozzie as Alastor
10:25 Miss Libussa as Envoy of the summer
14:00 Group of all cosplayers on stage

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Group Photo (outside)

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From the Opening to the Closing Ceremony we all will enjoy various panels and activities. But at least for one moment, we should come together and make one memory that is common for everypony. Come and join the group photo on the wooden stairs right next to the venue!

Time: 11:00 – 11:30
Editing: Ladislav „Fang“ Hüttl

Time Index

0:10 Start
2:00 FUN!
3:00 Return
4:25 Le me

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Party – Nicolas Dominique

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We are here together and wer are here to party, no matter if that means rocking the dance floor or just listening to the tones and vibes! Give a warm welcome to all brony musicians coming with live concerts and DJ performances for everypony to enjoy!

Time: 19:00 – 20:00
Editing: Ladislav „Fang“ Hüttl

Time Index

0:10 Start
0:36 Space Walk
3:57 Pinktastic!
9:09 What Happened to Sunset Shimmer
12:47 Violin Melody – Silly Filly (Breaks Remix)
16:45 Hope (Restored)
19:45 Dasha & The Living Tombstone – Good Girl (Deep Remix) (!audio!)
24:05 Violin Melody – Hope (Remix)
27:36 Grand Moth
31:05 Closer to Nuke feat. Dalken Starbyne
35:10 Ram with Rampage (Album Version)
38:57 11 JayB vs. Fluttershy – I Love Everything (Remix)
42:01 12 Violin Melody – Sisters (Remix)
44:54 13 Nic Dom – Kites

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Party – Blackened Blue

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We are here together and wer are here to party, no matter if that means rocking the dance floor or just listening to the tones and vibes! Give a warm welcome to all brony musicians coming with live concerts and DJ performances for everypony to enjoy!

Time: 20:00 – 21:00
Editing: Ladislav „Fang“ Hüttl

Time Index

0:10 Start
0:10 Start
2:24 Jožin z bažin (
4:43 All You Need
8:51 Bring You Back
14:25 In My Head
18:05 Sip! Sip! Sip!
18:30 Road Less Traveled
21:45 Sip! Sip! Sip! #2
22:17 Absent Magic
26:39 Villain
30:13 Save me
35:23 Another Magical Song
39:50 Everfree
44:12 Sip! Sip! Sip! #3
44:50 Don’t Hold Me Back
52:30 Encore: Living in Zephyr Heights

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Party – Velvet R. Wings

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We are here together and wer are here to party, no matter if that means rocking the dance floor or just listening to the tones and vibes! Give a warm welcome to all brony musicians coming with live concerts and DJ performances for everypony to enjoy!

Time: 21:00 – 22:00
Editing: Ladislav „Fang“ Hüttl

Time Index

0:10 Start
3:10 M’aidez
8:45 Winter snow
13:30 Time’s Arrow
19:42 Je te rends ton amour
25:48 Good Night
29:44 The Singer and the Lady
33:45 Ballade de Solitude
37:15 Broken Memory
41:18 Wind
46:42 Cutie-H Equestria
50:34 Encore

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Party – Mane In Green

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We are here together and wer are here to party, no matter if that means rocking the dance floor or just listening to the tones and vibes! Give a warm welcome to all brony musicians coming with live concerts and DJ performances for everypony to enjoy!

Time: 22:00 – 23:00
Editing: Ladislav „Fang“ Hüttl

Time Index

0:10 Start
1:20 Bach Prelude
3:56 Summer Rain
7:50 Galloping
11:42 Rarity In Love
15:25 Secret Dates
19:40 Wherever You Go
24:35 Belle De Nuit
31:25 Beethoven Moonlight Sonata
39:35 A Perilous Journey
43:22 Letting Go
48:26 Onward
52:00 Chopin Etude op. 10 n. 3
54:20 Party ending

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Sunday (25.8.2024)

LARP results

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If you attended the LARP event on Friday, you sure want to know the results, how many people got lost, and the other fun stuff. Presented by the one and only Tom0147, the head of Czequestria LARP events.

Time: 10:30 – 11:00
Editing: Ladislav „Fang“ Hüttl

Time Index

0:10 Start
2:40 Story inspiration
4:13 Evaluation
5:36 What was your favorite quest/point of interrest?
6:09 What wa your favorite thing during the game?
7:26 You want to know the results?
7:40 3rd place
9:57 2nd place
11:25 1st place
14:07 Group photo
14:25 Favorite NPC?

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CZ/SK Voice Actor panel

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We all know the original voice behind our heroes from the show, but there is much more to that! There are many language versions of My Little Pony, Czech and Slovak included. What’s the difference between voicing and voiceover of an animated character and how does it impact the acting process? Come and ask Krystýna Skružná, Czech voice of Zipp Storm!

Time: 11:00 – 12:00
Editing: Ladislav „Fang“ Hüttl

Time Index

0:10 Start
0:58 Introduction
1:40 Give it up for Kystýna Skružná!
1:55 Dubbing history in Czech Republic
2:26 What brough you to dubbing?
3:30 How hard is to do dubbing?
4:34 How did you get into My Little Pony?
5:39 How was you role as Zipp?
7:58 Any funny bloopers from dubbing sessions?
9:30 How is dubbing today?
10:49 First impressions of Czequestria?
11:42 Is this your first large event?
12:12 Would you like to go to Comicon?
12:50 How does your day as VA look like?
14:09 Previous Czech VA said that situation is getting worse?
16:24 Do you still consider dubbing fun or is it just work?
17:55 Did you feel that there was shift when streaming services came in?
19:56 In case of anyone considering career in dubbing is it possble to do get roles?
21:42 Would you recommend career as VA?
22:25 Attendees question block
23:20 Question: What was your first impression when you heard about fans of MLP?
24:05 Question: Do you do any voice excercises to get your voice in the „mood“?
25:35 Question: How did you get into dubbing Zipp in G5?
26:15 Question: Do you do more voice acting for example video games? And how it differs from general voice acting?
27:56 Question: How do you keep lip sync to original dub?
29:55 Question: How much liberty is there for you to change some words?
31:00 Question: How do you sound as Zipp?
33:36 Question: Do you have time watch your dubs?
34:51 Question: When you are watching CZ dubs do you judge your colleagues work?
36:01 Question: Your favorite roles outside of ponies?
37:16 Question: Where do you get your job offers?
39:32 Question: Is there a character you really want to dub?
41:15 Question: What would be color of your spark?
42:10 Question: How do you go about tone of original voice?
44:15 Panel ends

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MLP G5 Art panel

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Fan art has been an integral part of the brony fandom since its very beginning. Many talented artists of all kinds created countless art pieces inspired by MLP:FIM and mony of them dreamed about their art being part of the show. For Imalou, the dream became reality. How does the journey from fanart to canon look like, which challenges await on the way and how the MLP G5 character design were created? Let’s hear it all!

Time: 12:30 – 13:30
Editing: Ladislav „Fang“ Hüttl

Time Index

0:10 Start
0:40 Introduction
2:00 How the journey to MLP started?
2:50 Learning to draw MLP art
3:58 How did I get invited doing oficial work for MLP G5?
5:25 Signing the contract
6:00 Doing first work for MLP G4
6:45 Transition from G4 to G5
7:39 First work for G5
8:29 First G5 character designs
10:20 Scraping everything
11:20 Desiging everything from scratch
12:00 Personalities of new charaters
13:35 Early designs of Sunny Starscout (the Explorer)
16:10 Explaining Brony fandom to G5 staff
17:17 Early designs of Izzy Moonbow (the Caregiver)
21:15 Early designs of Pipp Petals and Zipp Storm
22:25 Early designs of Hitch Trailblazer (the Protector)
24:25 Early designs of Sprout
28:15 Introduction 2D sequence in the beginning of G5 movie
30:19 Pony accessory designs
31:26 Pony posters designs
31:56 Critter designs
32:44 Alicorn Sunny
34:52 Sunny as filly
35:20 Q&A block
35:48 Question: Can you explain Sprout CM designs?
38:40 MLP jokes, faces and memes
40:15 Question: ?
42:23 Question: Have you ever disliked your art?
44:33 Question: Have you had a great idea that wasn’t passed into show?
47:20 Panel end

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The Ultimate Brony Gameshow

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Get ready for the a unique competition in the style of the American game show „Jeopardy“ where five randomly selected participants will troughly test their pony knowledge with questions from different MLP-themed categories. Come cheer, have fun and possibly take home some prizes!

Time: 14:00 – 15:00
Editing: Ladislav „Fang“ Hüttl

Time Index

0:10 Start
0:43 First contestant
0:56 Second contestant
1:11 Third contestant
1:23 Foruth contestant
1:35 Fifth contestant
2:44 Rules
3:47 Questions categories
5:00 General 100 points – How many seats surround the Cutie Map?
5:40 Fandom 300 points – What is the name of the current largest MLP booru?
6:15 VA challenge for 200 – True or false: John de Lancie voices King Sombra in MLP:FIM
7:06 General 500 – How many volumes does „My Little Pony: The Manga“ have?
7:50 Cutiemark trivia 500 – Double 1000, Draw Starlight’s Cutie Mark
12:04 Cutiemark trivia 300 – Whose CM is this?
12:44 Fandom 200 – In what year did the first BronyCon take place?
13:40 Music 300 – I will read the lyrics of an official MLP song. First one to buzz in know the song’s name and the name of the character that sings this song gets the points
14:28 Cutiemark trivia 200 – What’s CM is this?
15:05 Cutiemark trivia 400 – Who’s CM is this?
15:45 Fandom 500 – The popular anonymous imageboard 4chan has /mlp/ board. In what year was this board introduces, what was the reason and what is 4chan’s 15th global rule?
17:20 Cutiemark trivia 100 – Who’s CM is this?
17:54 VA challenge 400 – Which of the Mane 6 have different VAs for most singing parts?
19:16 Music 100 – What is the name of the fan favorite musician, what made the song „Solidarity (In This Together)“?
19:50 General 400 – In which season of MLP:FIM did the Cutie Mark Crusaders get their Cutie Marks?
20:18 General 200 – What is the exact date the first MLP:FIM episode aired?
21:29 General 300 – What is the name of the MLP:FIM spinoff show (MLP G4.5)?
22:16 Music 300 – Name of the following song along with the name of the episode it’s featured in?
23:10 Music 400 – We all know WoodenToaster, but what is his preferred artist name?
24:13 Music 400 – What is the name of the composer who worked on the vast majority of songs in MLP:FIM?
25:00 Fandom 100 – Fill in the blank
25:45 VA challenge 300 – Which MLP:FIM character is voice by Kelly Sheridan?
27:25 VA challenge 500 – In the following audio sample you’ll hear an MLP VA’s voice, however it is one of their different characters. Name which character they voice in MLP:FIM?
28:32 VA challenge 100 – Fill in the blanks
29:20 Fandom 400 – Who is the author of the widely knonw MLP fanfiction Fallout: Equestria?
30:33 Final question – rules
32:08 Final question – Name the episode
33:23 Final question – Results

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Charity Auction

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Get your wallets shaking because it’s Perry and her charity auction! It’s going to be a wild ride as this is the last feature panel, so do make sure to attend and enjoy it to the very last bit! As in previous years, your donations will support Chewal – the equine-assisted therapy association from the Czech Republic. Generosity welcome!

Time: 15:30 – 17:30
Editing: Ladislav „Fang“ Hüttl

Time Index

0:10 Start
0:15 Delay 🙂
2:00 Charity auction start
4:50 Rules and where charity auction money goes
10:20 Number 16: Libussa Daki
13:38 Number 13: Larp bits box
16:12 Number 12: Painting of Sunny Starscout
20:42 Number 4: Celestia figure & sun medallion
22:25 Number 1: Banner Nugget Night of Neighhenm
26:20 Number 2: Miss Libussa Puzzle
29:20 Number 3: Picture/art of Norwegian flower fairy
30:52 Number 7: Table
35:54 Number 9: Canni plushie
40:40 Number 10: CZ/SK Bronies flag with signatures
43:13 Number 17: Free hugs leather banner with signatures
45:05 Number 5: Gold covered bracelet
46:55 Number 18: Fanta bottle with random Czequestria signatures
49:25 Sip! Sip! Sip!
50:19 Number 21: Signed empty bottle
53:48 Number 14: Painted cup
54:22 For charity okay 😀
55:02 Number 14: Painted cup, cont.
58:26 Number 19: PlushieCon Memo Cards
1:00:02 Number 8: Signatures of community guests from Ponycon Holland 2023
1:02:15 Number 6: Big foldable painting of cald fairy gate
1:05:10 Number 15: Juice drink G5 (Sunny)
1:07:40 Number 20: Czequestria 2024 Summer roll-up banner signed
1:12:57 The Fanta
1:17:23 Number 68: Hat! Hat! Hat!
1:24:08 That is one pricey hat
1:17:13 What backpack is saying?
1:29:45 Backpack: Should I be sold?
1:45:34 Backpack: Goodbye previous owner 🙁
1:45:58 Preliminary total
1:46:45 Total

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Award & Closing Ceremony

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The very last piece of Czequestria 2024. But before we return to our daily live, there are a few awards to announce and the last things to do before we say to each other „See you next time“.

Time: 17:30 – 18:00
Editing: Ladislav „Fang“ Hüttl

Time Index

0:10 Start
0:40 So we made it….
1:50 Cosplay contest awards
8:40 Gameshow awards
12:10 Closing ceremony
12:35 Volunteers
14:10 Core organizers
16:40 Pony town
17:40 PlushieCon
18:29 VIP Guests, Musicians
21:00 Jamis
22:55 Ponies! Ponies! Ponies!
23:29 Tom0147
24:49 Melgarh
25:12 Nugget
26:20 Railwaydash & Blackened Blue
27:10 Mane in green
27:50 Velvet R. Wings
28:22 Nicolas Dominique
28:50 Imalou
29:18 Bahia Watson
30:00 Contributors
31:14 Group hug
32:24 Shoob
33:30 Closing words
35:02 Next Czequestria?

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