Czequestria 2022

Záznamy livestreamu z Czequestrie 2022

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Saturday (19.8.2022)

Sunday (20.8.2022)

Opening Ceremony

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So it begins – we are back after 3 years! A weekend full of ponies, bronies, fun, and the Magic of Friendship! We’ll talk about our reunion, last-minute news, and everything that did not fit in this guide. Join us and let’s welcome our esteemedguests together!

Time: 11:00 – 11:30
Editing: Ladislav „Fang“ Hüttl

Time Index

0:15 → Introduction
0:29 → Promo video
2:23 → Hello Czequestrians
3:16 → General information
7:13 → Guests introductions
9:00 → Musicians introductions
11:35 → Queen of auctions introduction
13:04 → Overare studios introduction
13:22 → MelodicPony memorial
14:30 → Yes thats everything 🙂
15:15 → End

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Surprise panel

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Well we have some kind of „guest not coming“ to our convention so impromptu panel happened instead of „CZ/SK Voice Actor panel“ by Perry Dotto and Jamis talking about oganizing conventions.

Time: 12:00 – 13:30
Editing: Ladislav „Fang“ Hüttl

Time Index

0:15 → Introduction
1:15 → The holy baguette
1:30 → Auction of the holy baguette
2:30 → And the winner is….
3:08 → First question: What do you want to know about Czequestria and always have been afraid to ask?
3:30 → One important question
5:45 → How many emails do you think Jamis got in last 48 hrs regarding ticket sales
7:13 → Who were these punks at yesterday LARP?
7:53 → Where is Perry?
8:10 → Ticket sales in time for Czequestria 2022
12:00 → Perry introduction
12:23 → What Perry was doing in the beginning
13:50 → How convetions are behind the curtain
14:20 → How Jamis got into be chairman
14:50 → How Czequestria happened
17:04 → How Czequestria works in background
18:00 → How Galacon started
20:20 → How Perry got into auctions
22:50 → First auctioned item
23:17 → Random fun
24:55 → Fanta legacy
28:50 → Attendees by nationality
29:48 → Language barriers
31:04 → Convention sustainability
34:43 → Question: Is this biggest Czequestria yet?
35:46 → Preparty issues
39:08 → LARP issues
41:15 → Paid autograph sessions
43:57 → Guests and VIPs
45:48 → Dealing with VIP agents
51:50 → Question: bad conventions?
52:59 → Czech voice actors
55:38 → German voice actors
1:00:34 → Actors and VIPs are human beings
1:01:34 → Elley Ray
1:03:22 → Mitch Larson and Peter New
1:06:04 → Why don’t you make more signing sessions and photo sessions?
1:07:37 → Factors what VIPs have to overcome
1:08:14 → Convetion rules
1:11:06 → Law regulations
— Questions from Audience —
1:15:25 → Everfree Encore postponed
1:17:21 → How many volunteers do you have and does that have impact on your finances?
1:22:11 → How much does venue cost?
1:27:54 → Alternative Czequestria venues?
1:31:04 → Did the organizing events changed after covid?
1:35:34 → One last thing: website
1:38:16 → Short funny story

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MLP G5 Director Panel

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As My Little Pony Universe recently expanded into a new environment, characters, and plot, so did the circle of those who give the world of Equestria the look as we know it. We are therefore honored to welcome Robert Cullen, the director of “MLP: A New Generation” and the founder of the Boulder Media animation studio! Join us at this Q&A panel to discover the secrets behind the new generation of ponies. Questions from the audience are welcome!

Time: 14:00 – 15:30
Editing: Ladislav „Fang“ Hüttl

Time Index

0:15 → Panel start
1:31 → Introduction of Robert Cullen
1:46 → Convention experiences
3:01 → First contact with fandom after G5 movie
3:36 → First contact with fandom before G5 movie
4:51 → Origin of name „Boulder media“
6:31 → Team beahind Boulder media
9:18 → What tools are used?
10:13 → Any ancient/unsupported/vintage tools?
11:38 → Tools used for directing and scripting
13:47 → What is your regular day look like?
16:16 → What type of specific type of project management ideology you use?
17:58 → How do you fit everything into work week?
19:20 → Have you worked with Lauren Faust on „Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends“?
20:13 → Is directing movie and TV show differrent?
24:28 → Decision to build on G4
27:15 → Were you forced to make any story cuts in the movie?
29:48 → Did yor make any character cuts in the movie?
31:15 → Do you have favorite TV cartoon?
32:43 → Lending voice as Director
34:15 → Happy birthday
35:51 → How do you recharge?
36:45 → Dogs or cats?
37:15 → Coffee or tea?
38:30 → Do you have specific teams in your studio?
39:28 → Did you watch any previous generations before G4?
42:35 → Any hopes for directors cut of MLP G5 movie?
— Questions from Audience —
44:05 → What was the Hasbro’s reaction to divison of pony kinds in G5 movie?
46:47 → How do you work with other director of MLP G6 movie?
49:42 → Do you play video games?
51:02 → Do you accept invitaion to sign Angry Mob in karaoke room?
51:27 → How do you explain the differrent releases of G5 universe?
53:40 → How the studio get the contracts?
55:20 → Who has the power to decide where G5 would be?
55:55 → How bing bong has become thing?
57:15 → Who are the computer wizards which stands behind technical side of movie?
1:01:50 → What happened to the magic?
1:03:03 → Do the client micro-manage your work?
1:05:45 → Gift
1:06:15 → How Equestria Girls world evolved in the time of MLP G5 movie?
1:07:22 → Why do you decided to hit Sprout twice in the movie?
1:08:16 → Rigging of the characters
1:08:46 → Can we expect a little bit more serious scenarios in MLP G5?
1:10:10 → What let the decision to make MLP G5 in CGI?
1:12:20 → What do you preffer 2D or 3D animation?
1:16:23 → Have you ever read any fanfiction from MLP universe?
1:17:16 → Does the international team has any language barriers?
1:18:58 → Were there any suprises in the final MLP G5 movie that staff hidden in the movie and you liked or didn’t liked?
1:21:50 → Does the movie has the effect on you?
1:24:20 → Charity auction announcement

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Cosplay Show

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Craftsmanship and acting – the two of the many qualities of cosplayers that bring colors, joy, and our favorite characters to life at conventions. Let’s give them a big cheer for making the costumes for all of us to see and enjoy! Come & get inspired for a cosplay of your own!

Time: 16:00 – 17:00
Editing: Ladislav „Fang“ Hüttl

Time Index

0:15 → Introduction
0:54 → Cwossie as Nightmare Rarity
2:18 → QuietKeeper as Stable Dweller
3:45 → Foalduke as Foal Duke, not Raoul Duke!
4:30 → Trixie as Trixie
5:52 → Majda as Rarity
6:53 → pipa as Perry
7:47 → Starfooty as Lunar Guard
8:30 → Sorajona as Tempest Shadow
12:08 → Denna as Rarity
12:53 → Ginny and Rocky as Radiant Hope and King Sombra
19:28 → 404compliant as Crashtest pony
21:30 → Group photo
25:45 → Cosplay show wrap up

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Group Photo

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From the Opening to the Closing Ceremony we all will enjoy various panels and activities. But at least for one moment, we should come together and make one memory that everypony remembers. Come and join the group photo on the wooden stairs right next to the venue!
PS: it was raining so we did it inside 🙂

Time: 17:00 – 17:30
Editing: Ladislav „Fang“ Hüttl

Time Index

0:15 → Introduction
0:48 → Sleeping changeling
1:09 → Celestia
1:30 → Luna
2:26 → boop!
3:22 → Shadow guard
4:09 → Front row
5:01 → Dyonys 😛
7:26 → Evrebody ready?
7:41 → Czequestriaaa!
8:00 → Yaaaay!

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Party: Prince Whateverer

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We are here together and we are here to party, no matter if that means rocking the dance foor or just listening to the tones and vibes! Give a warm welcome to all brony musicians coming with live concerts and DJ performances for everypony to enjoy!

Time: 19:00 – 22:30
Editing: Ladislav „Fang“ Hüttl

Time Index (TBD)

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Party: BlackIceMusic

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We are here together and we are here to party, no matter if that means rocking the dance foor or just listening to the tones and vibes! Give a warm welcome to all brony musicians coming with live concerts and DJ performances for everypony to enjoy!

Time: 19:00 – 22:30
Editing: Ladislav „Fang“ Hüttl

Time Index (TBD)

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Party: DJ Tw3Lv3

We are here together and we are here to party, no matter if that means rocking the dance foor or just listening to the tones and vibes! Give a warm welcome to all brony musicians coming with live concerts and DJ performances for everypony to enjoy!

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Time: 19:00 – 22:30
Editing: Ladislav „Fang“ Hüttl

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MelodicPony Tribute

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MelodicPony was a composer of symphonic music inspired by My Little Pony. In 2014, however, he suddenly died. His dream was to record the music with a live orchestra – now this dream is turning into reality with the help of the brony herd. Come to hear about the project background and progress from Bori, the leader of the MelodicPony In Memoriam project!

Time: 10:30 – 11:30
Editing: Ladislav „Fang“ Hüttl

Time Index (TBD)

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The Overmare Studios: Ashes of Equestria

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Well known to all “Fallout: Equestria” universe fans and also to regular Czequestria attendees, The Overmare Studios visited us again! Team member Ansis comes with the latest news about the development of the videogame Ashes of Equestria, based on one of the most successful brony fanfctions.

Time: 11:30 – 12:30
Editing: Ladislav „Fang“ Hüttl

Time Index (TBD)

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MLP Cosplay Panel

Cosplay is a part of all fandom conventions since the very beginning. Have you ever wanted or adored MLP-themed costumes? Come to this panel, where we will talk about various types of pony cosplays as well as how to create them! Performed by skilled cosplayer Verča Matějková.

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Time: 13:00 – 14:00
Editing: Ladislav „Fang“ Hüttl

Time Index (TBD)

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LARP results

If you attended the LARP event on Friday, you sure want to know the results, how many people got lost, and other fun stuff. Presented by the one and only Tom0147, the head of Czequestria LARP events.

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Time: 13:00 – 14:00
Editing: Ladislav „Fang“ Hüttl

Time Index (TBD)

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Charity Auction, Award & Closing ceremony

Get your wallets shaking because it’s Perry and her charity auction! It’s going to be a wild ride as this is the last feature panel, so do make sure to attend and enjoy it to the very last bit! As in previous years, your donations will support Chewal – the equine-assisted therapy association from the Czech Republic. Generosity welcome!

The very last piece of Czequestria 2022. But before we return to our daily lives, there are a few awards to announce and the last things to do before we say to each other “See you next time!”.

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Time: 15:30 – 18:00
Editing: Ladislav „Fang“ Hüttl

Time Index (TBD)

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Walkby around main hall and vendor area

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Just walkby around main hall and vendor area.

Editing: Ladislav „Fang“ Hüttl

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Jedna reakce na Czequestria 2022

  1. Pingback:Czequestria 2022 recordings are online! – Czequestria, My Little Pony con in Prague

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